The hyperoxidation of oils ( long chain fatty acids) is a technique used for decades in the pharmaceutical world. There are sundry final products for the bedsores prevention or skin cicatrization that use this type of raw materials in their formulations with very positive results 1 ,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 The same procedure is also carried out with ozone, instead of using oxygen, obtaining positive results in healing and also in disinfection 10, 9,11,12,13
What happens when the hydroperoxidation process is carried out with Ozone?
The difference between Oxygen (O2) and Ozone (O3) is a negative oxygen atom, which gives the last named wide disinfectant properties that O2 doesn ́t have. 10,14,15 This affects the physicochemical properties of both molecules, Ozone weights more (that's why it falls from the atmosphere and clean it at the same time), it is more oxidant (its oxidation index is 2.07 versus Oxygen which is 1.23) and it is also more unstable (it tends to give up the negative oxygen atom easily). In fact, this last situation leads us to the most interesting thing about these molecules: their liposolubility (it refers to the ability of being dissolved in lipids). In this sense, Ozone has a greater capacity; It is approximately 10 times more soluble than oxygen. 16 Due to this capacity, the level of reaction and the peroxidation index is higher in oils peroxidized with ozone, since ozone reacts with the double bounds of fatty acids present in vegetable oils, especially forming ozonides (1,2,4-trioxolanes) and peroxides such as hydroperoxides, polymer peroxides and other organic peroxides. 17,18
The oxidation effect defalls in the production of an ozonated oil, the question is: What happens when this ozonated-oxidized vegetable oil comes into contact with other lipids and biologically active substances? We are talking about a similar effect, but by direct contact, by transferring among biological materials, namely the “surface oxidant” effect is not carried out. Compounds derived from ozonitation are highly loaded with oxygen molecules, which “oxygenate” the cell, and negative Oxygen free radicals, which react, destabilizing the membrane balance of few evolved cells and of lipids and structural proteins in case of viruses and fungi. The same happens with its ability to diffuse and penetrate tissues, when ozone comes into contact with a biologically active tissue, it immediately reacts with numerous biomolecules that together form true antioxidant buffer systems. 16
Additionally, to validate the thesis, the internationally established toxicity tests have been positively evaluated (oral and intraperitoneal LD50, ophthalmic irritation, sensitization, phototoxicity, mutagenicity, teratogenicity, etc.).19,20 For this to happen this way, the quality and process used in the hyperoxidation of the oils is important; To characterize ozonated oils, it is essential to know the physicochemical properties. Analytical techniques should be used to determine the quality of vegetable oils and ozonated products. 18
The lack of toxicity and its positive effects on the cicatrization, regeneration, antisepsis and antioxidation of the epithelial seem to indicate that the effect is oxygenating and destabilizing the cellular osmotic balance in a few evolved cells, as well in the breakdown and destabilization of lipids and structural proteins in viruses and fungi; for this reason we are talking about an oxygenating effect and a direct oxidation reaction of membrane lipids, and what is more interesting, maintaining the viability and healthy spectrum of the bacterial flora in the area to be treated. 21
Biologist and CEO of KeyBiological
Bibliographic references
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